
Three Common Educational Toys for Babies

Nowadays, there are too many kids toys in the toys shopping center and supermarkets, among all these kids toys, educational toys are strongly popular among children and parents because most of them are used to develop children intelligence.

Three educational toys are introduced below for parents.

Building Blocks
When babies are eight months old, they are able to know lots of items such as toys and furniture. They can feel which items are the soft one while which items are the hard one. If parents give the building blocks to them as toys, they would use their two little hands to hit against two piece of building blocks or pile them up higher and higher.

Music Box
Do you believe that all the babies love good music, when babies are 18 months old, they are able to choose their own favorite music, at the time, it is better to send the music box to them as the kids toys, children's feeling on music would be developed.

Cloth doll
When children are two years old, they have their own thinking way to express their likes and dislikes. Give the cloth doll to children, especially the girls, they would take good care of the doll. For example, wash the doll face, dress it up and even praise or blame doll.

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